Psykoanalysens stora tänkare – Jacques Lacan (with Dany Nobus)
26 maj 2022 | 12.30 & 19.00
This day is dedicated to Jacques Lacan. As our guides we have Dany Nobus and Donald Almén.
Tickets for the full day (12.30-21.00) are 500 kr or 300 kr (students, members of psykoterapicentrum).…/psykoanalysens-stora…
Tickets for only the evening lecture (19.00-21.00) are 90 kr…/psykoanalysens-stora…
Dany Nobus is one of the worlds leading experts on lacanian psychoanalysis. He is prof. of psychology at Brunel University London, former chair and fellow of the Freud Museum London and a psychoanalytic psychotherapist. Donald Almén is a lacanian psychotherapist and supervisor based in Gothenburg. He is a founding member of PSAK (Psykoanalysens sak i klinik och kultur).
The day will consist in three lectures mixed with time for questions and discussions. More info about each lecture can be find in the facebook event.
12.30 Introduction
13.00 – On Wanting To Get Better – (Nobus)
14.45 – Change completes Nothing – (Almén)
17.00-19.00 – Break
19.00 – Knowledge as the Symptom of Ignorance: On Psychoanalysis as Morosophy – (Nobus)