Swingin’ Wednesday Night Hop
10 januari 2018 | 19.45
Welcome to Cats’ Corners swingin’ Wednesday Night Hop at Moriska Paviljongen!
The main dance on Wednesdays’ is Lindy Hop, a swing dance originating in the 30-40s in Harlem, NY. But you are always welcome to dance whatever you like or just hang out!
The Balboa is a swing dance that originated in Southern California during the 1920s. Balboa enjoyed huge popularity during the 1930s and 1940s.
The term Balboa originally referred to a dance characterized by its close embrace and full body connection. It emphasizes rhythmic weight shifts and lead-follow partnership. Different dancers in the same region at the same time also danced ”swing,” a dance characterized by twists, turns, and open-position movement. Over time, these two dances merged and became collectively known as Balboa.
The original Balboa dance is now referred to as Pure Balboa, and the original ”Swing” dance is now referred to as Bal-Swing or L.A. Swing to differentiate it from other types of swing. Because of its emphasis on subtlety and partnering rather than flashy tricks, Balboa (Pure Balboa in particular) is considered more of a ”dancer’s dance” than a ”spectator’s dance.
Cats’ Corner is a non-profit dance organisation from Malmö. Our main focus is Lindy Hop, but we gladly also dance Charleston, Balboa, Shag, Blues, Authentic Jazz and other Swing dances. For more information please visit catscorner.se
As the dance closes for the night we ”wind down” in the Bistro where there is a live jazz club every Wednesday.