Aning Hardcore – Lacan on Love

23 september 2019 | 09:00

To launch off Anings lectures and seminars this autumn we welcome you to a full day where we explore different aspects of Love as theorized by the psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan. Headlining the event is one of the best known international experts on lacanian theory and practice; Bruce Fink. He is a lacanian analyst, did his Ph.D in psychoanalysis at University of Paris VIII, and was 1993-2003 prof. in psychology at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh. Prof. Fink has translated several of Lacans works into english and published many books on lacanian theory and technique. Of his latest works are Lacan on Love and A clinical introduction to Freud.

We will also have the pleasure to listen to two of Anings most appreciated lecturers from the clinical and theoretical domains; psychoanalyst Peter Jansson and litterary theorist Carin Franzén.

Peter Jansson has dedicated his clinical and theoretical work to lacanian theory. He has a long clinical experience and has written and lectured on Lacans work both in a clinical context and in relation to poetry, film and art. He recently published Själens krypta – en essä om Karin Boyes roman Kris.

Carin Franzén is a prof. of language and litterature at Linköping University. She has translated Lacan, Badiou and Focault into swedish and has worked with lacanian psychoanalytic theory in her work on subjectivity, love and cultural hegemonies in literary history. Prof. Franzéns has for many years worked on the courtly love tradition and the early french moralists. Her latest book is När vi talar om oss själva – nedslag i subjektivitetens historia från Montaigne till Norén.

When: 09.00-21.15, 23/9 -2019

Where: Moriska Paviljongen, Norra Parkgatan 2 (in the middle of Folkets Park), Malmö

How much: 500 SEK, 300 SEK for students and retiree. Tickets at

(The evening lecture is included in the price for the full day. For those who only want to attend the lecture at 19.00 you can buy separete tickets. Check out ”Love in Psychoanalysis – A lacanian view” at:

Reading assignment: We recommend that you read Plato´s Symposium (Gästabudet) to be able to get the most of the day.

09.00-09.30 – Introducing the day to come
09.30-10.30 – Lecture by Peter Jansson
Title: The melancholy and desire of love
In psychoanalysis love has primarily been treated as an imaginary and narcissistic illusion. With Lacan there is other paths to the sea of love: based on the symbolic in institutional and historical sense and through the real as something mysterious and uncanny. It is to speak of the poetry of love and the desire that inhabit it. In my lecture I would like to draw the silhouette of the basic conditions of passion and affection and the dimension of lack and loss out of which love emerges.

10.30-11.00 – Coffee
11.00-12.00 – Lecture by Carin Franzén
Title: Ignorance, Truth and Love
In Seminar VIII Lacan points to ignorance as essential to truth in analytic experience. He sustains this claim by referring to Socrates, but also to the usages of courtly love by Marguerite de Navarre. Some years later, in a text paying homage to Duras, he specifies that “this strange way of loving” is tied to a “locus of truth”. I would like to highlight the connection between ignorance and truth in Lacan’s theory of the subject by focusing on his way of dealing with courtly love. I will also try to assess how the relationship between love and ignorance can be connected to an ethical dimension of present subjectivity.

12.00-13.30 – Break for lunch
13.30-15.30 – Seminar/Lecture by Bruce Fink
Title: Lacan on Plato´s Symposium
We will explore in some depth Lacan’s interpretation of Plato’s most famous dialogue on love, The Symposium, following its many twists and turns in Seminar VIII, Transference. The seminar will illustrate Lacan’s approach to reading texts, whether literary, philosophical, or psychoanalytic, and we shall see how his claim that “love is giving what you don’t have” grows out of this reading.

15.30-16.00 – Break
16.00-17.00 – Discussion and questions on the day so far with Bruce Fink, Carin Franzén and Peter Jansson
17.00-19.00 – Break for dinner
19.00-21.15 Public lecture with Bruce Fink followed by discussion with Carin Franzén and Peter Jansson
Title: Love in Psychoanalysis – A Lacanian view
What is love and what part does it play in psychoanalysis? Where are the analyst and the analysand situated in relation to the roles defined as those of the “lover” and the “beloved”? Jacques Lacan explores these and other questions in Seminar VIII, Transference by providing an extensive commentary on Plato’s most famous dialogue on love, The Symposium. This paper outlines some of the major points about love that grow out of Lacan’s reading of the dialogue and examines their relevance to the analytic setting. Can the analyst be characterized as a sort of modern-day Socrates?

And also this: For those interested in the relevance of lacanian clinical practice to psychoanalysis, we recommend that you take a look at the open lecture and two day seminar with Bruce Fink in Copenhagen 21-22/9 2019.

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