09 juni 2017 | 23:00

Welcome back 2 BABY,
Enjoy old and new romantic R’n’B music mixed with hip hop and trap

Produced by TV.FEH

♥ ♥ ♥
Welcome back 2 BABY,
Enjoy old and new romantic R’n’B music mixed with hip hop and trap… This night we have invited a local DJ for his seccond set @ Moriskan – deejayILL.
deejayILL is personal DJ 4 local trapstars Ozzy & Guleed and he will play us his favorite selection of R’n’B and Hiphop. Before he enters the stage we will have the pleasure of listening 2 new and old rnb mixed from Tannaz Benisi.
As always Aura Oyasumi are your resident DJ’s and will perfmorm their favorite love music 4 you…
♥ ♥ ♥

Line Up;
Aura Oyasumi
Tannaz Benisi

♥ ♥ ♥

We tolerate no groping, violence, drugs, weapons, sexism, racism, xenophobia, homofobia or transfobia

Ät i Moriskans Bistro innan och få gratis entré till klubben! Köket är öppet mellan 17.30-22.00. Boka bord via:
☏ 040-685 40 35