Discoteque Shameless – Unni & Petit Canard

03 maj 2019 | 22:00

A club we’ve been missing in this little town. A club where less
stays less, and more actually is more! A club that won’t mind you have that ice cream in bed. Or pouring ketchup all over that pasta. A club where your sweet lack of maners will be for once rewarded. A club where lovely decadence beats stiff fashion. A club serving you silver plates full of DISCO! Topped with a sweet sauce of modern beats, sprinkled with feathers and gold, then finishes it all off with the biggest cherry of all time! Oh, and of course, it all comes with a little house and techno on the side – flavours that never would have existed if it wasn’t for the great mother of all modern dance music; DISCO! ♥

No further introduction needed for Malmö’s long time queen of disco and soulful house. If you still haven’t heard of her, we guess you’ve spent last decade under a stone and we highly recommend a visit for this night! ♥ ♥ ♥

PETIT CANARD (Discoteque Shameless)
Our very own resident will warm up with some disco infused house before UNNI bring us the real deal! ♥ ♥ ♥

Shameless Crew

Ät i Moriskans Bistro innan och få gratis entré till klubben!
Köket är öppet mellan 17.30-22.00.
Boka bord via:
❖ www.moriskansbistro.se
☏ 040-685 40 35
