Theme class: Music theory for swing dancers

25 april 2018 | 18:15

Musikteori för dansare

Vi kommer att gå igenom musikteoretiska begrepp som puls, rytm, synkop, takt, swingunderdelning/triolfeeling m.m. Vi kommer att reda ut dessa begrepp, lyssna på musik och sätta ord på det vi hör för att sedan koppla ihop det med vår dans.

Music theory for dancers
We will review musical theoretical concepts such as pulse, rhythm, syncopation, bars, swing subdivision etc. We will figure out these concepts, listen to music and try to verbalize what we hear and then utilize our new-found understanding in our dance.
Understanding the music is an essential part of developing as a swing dancer. To explain this in the best way we got Johan who is a Lindy hopper and musician by night and a music teacher by day.

### Mandatory registration

– Duration: 1 Wednesday
– Level: bcDEF
– HepCat-members’ price for this course is SEK 125 and membership is an additional SEK 50 per semester.


Ät i Moriskans Bistro innan Wednesday Night Hop!
Köket är öppet från 17.30
Boka bord via:
☏ 040-685 40 35